April 19, 2019
Are You a Dreamer in Lima, Ohio? This Conference Is For You!
Founded by Ben Swartz and Jordan Powell in 2016, Dream On has turned into a global movement empowering people of all ages to pursue their dreams and I had the privilege of attending their first Lima Conference yesterday.
The morning began at 9 am with Emcee, Eddie Saunders who kicked off the conference with incredible energy! His welcome radiated the theater as he introduced the first Keynote Speaker, Tom Burden.

Tom is known for his invention of Grypmat and landing an amazing Shark Tank deal. His talk was refreshing, inspiring and most notably, rich in the application. He shared a three-part section of Finding Your Way, Identifying Barriers, and Eliminating them. My biggest takeaway was his grading system analogy. Tom said,
Everyone strives for an A (excellent work) but people forget that they only need a C (average work) to pass. The mistake is actually not doing it fast enough. Do the quick fix — you’re able to grow from there to get the A.
Following Tom’s incredible talk, was Breakout Session #1. Attendees had a range of local entrepreneurs to choose from. I went to Tug Taviano‘s session, a top-ranking realtor, about Bringing Your Own Brand (BYOB).

Tug focused on finding your top 3 strengths as well as your top 3 weaknesses and utilizing them toward your brand. Do more of what you’re really good at and less of what you’re not.
Toward the last half of his session, he invited Ken Coleman, host of The Ken Coleman Show to briefly discuss how the discovery process works to finding your purpose. The world’s definition of success is money, power, and fame but fulfilling success is clarity, confidence, and courage.

Both Tug and Ken encouraged listeners to get to know who they are and get around people who are doing the things they want to do.
After a delicious lunch from local food trucks, it was back in the main auditorium for Keynote Speaker #2, Ken Coleman.

Ken works under Dave Ramsey, a leading financial advisory team who is passionate about helping people live debt free.
Ken’s talk was all about the proximity principle: you have to be around people who are like-minded and doing the thing you want to do. He went on to discuss the difference and value between two people groups: the producers (high-performers in their industry) and peers (both personal and professional). Ken encouraged the attendees to take every opportunity to grow by learning and to find rest in daily, weekly, monthly and yearly routines.
Breakout Session #2 consisted of another set of four incredible local leaders to choose from. I chose to attend Nick Kellis‘ session, a Hollywood Producer and speaker from Lima, Ohio.
Nick’s inspiring career timeline encouraged attendees to pursue their passions locally — they don’t have to go to Hollywood to “make it”. Opportunity is knocking at the door in cities like Lima — all it takes are dreamers who want to be the leaders. Nick’s latest movie, “A Walk With Grace” was produced in Northwest Ohio as proof that flyover states are not eliminated from great ideas.
Rounding out the end of the Keynote Speakers was Jason Duff, Founder of Small Nation. He believes small towns are the future and has dedicated Small Nation as a driving movement to develop spaces for entrepreneurs to flourish. Jason said,
Lima was once a hub for innovation and leadership in the state
and sees it developing into that hub once again. Like Jason, I too believe Lima is a city ready for rebuilding — using the bones of our historic buildings to replenish innovation and leadership back into its veins! My mission is for Lima to be known as “A City of Doers and Dreamers”.
The final part of Dream On: Lima was the live Q&A with the panel of keynote speakers and breakout leaders. The audience was given the opportunity to ask any question to the panel and there were some great questions! I was filled with insightful answers from book and podcast recommendations to what entrepreneurs should focus on first when getting started.

Dream On: Lima is only the beginning and first of its kind for this city. I believe change happens when dreams begin to ignite and people recognize a vision is being cast. To the Doers and Dreamers, you’re each a seed that has been planted in this beautiful city. Let’s keep growing — together!
Thank you to Dream On and all of the speakers who were part of Lima’s first Dream On Conference! “Those who dream the most, do the most.”
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